Terms and Conditions

These booking conditions set out the responsibilities of Island Golf Holidays, to you and also your obligations to us. Any booking made by you will be subject to these booking conditions.

For all bookings without exception, the contract between us is valid once we have received your deposit and have issued our Confirmation Invoice. Your contract is governed by English law and all disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

1. When you contact us either by phone of email, we will confirm a price to you either verbally, or in writing via email.

2. When you make a booking with us for a Worldwide, or European holiday, you will be required to pay a non-refundable deposit of between 10% – 25% of your holiday price. Our quotation will define precisely how much the deposit will be. Eg a holiday which costs £1,000 pp the deposit would be circa £150-£200 pp

In some cases, an additional amount might be required to secure your holiday arrangements and we will make you aware of this at the time of booking. For bookings made within 8 weeks of departure the full amount will be due.

3. Your holidays arrangements are subject to availability at the time of booking. At the point of confirming your booking, we will endeavour to confirm all elements of your booking, however, occasionally we may not be able to confirm all elements of your booking, such as some or all of your golf itinerary, and therefore these elements will be shown as a request on the Confirmation Invoice that we send you. As soon as any requested elements of your booking have been confirmed to us, we will confirm this to you in writing.

4. The person making the booking is responsible to us for all payments and must be at least 18 years old, when making the booking.

5. The full balance of the holiday is due 8 weeks in advance of your departure date. This can be paid by wire transfer, credit, or debit card. There are no credit card charges on deposits or balance payments. If the full balance has not been paid on the due date shown on your invoice prior to your departure, we reserve the right to treat your booking as cancelled by you, in which case your deposit will be forfeited and you must pay the cancellation charges, as itemised below.

6. It is a condition of our acceptance of your booking, that you arrange adequate travel insurance. If you fail to take out travel insurance, or your insurance is not adequate we will not be liable for any loss that you could incur. We will also recommend an insurance company who are also business partners of the Travel Trust Association, when you book.

At the time of booking, you will be asked for your requested golf itinerary. We will endeavour to get every element of your golf itinerary confirmed, before we confirm your booking. However, on some occasions it may be appropriate for us to confirm your booking and take payment from you with some, or all, elements of the golf itinerary not being confirmed. This will be made clear to you at the time of booking and the golf elements will be shown on your itinerary as “requested” – we will only take payment from you, with your consent.

*Once the golf itinerary is confirmed it will be shown on your Confirmation Invoice with the starting time and day of play.

*Occasionally golf clubs have to make changes to confirmed starting times, such changes will not be considered to be a ‘Major’ change. We will always endeavour to assist you in finding a suitable alternative time, or course.

*Golf clubs reserve the right to make all matches up to 4 Balls. We will indicate which resorts are less likely to do that at the time of booking.

*It is the responsibility of each golfer to make sure that they comply with the Golf Clubs handicap restrictions and club rules. These days golf clubs are fairly relaxed, in this regard.

*When bad weather prevents play and the golf course is officially closed, we will only be able to refund your green fee, if the golf club is prepared to issue a refund and confirm this to us in writing. Some golf courses do not give refunds, even if the golf course is closed, it is therefore recommended that you consider purchasing holiday insurance, that covers you for this eventuality.

*Whenever reasonably possible, we will make you aware of any maintenance work that the golf club have advised us of. We cannot be held responsible for the playing conditions, as this is something out of our control. If the golf courses notify us of poor playing conditions at any stage, we will pass that information on to you, so you have the chance to switch golf courses in advance.

If you wish to make a change to a booking, you must notify us in writing by email.

We will do our utmost to make the change for you. All changes to a booking will incur an administration fee of £25 per person per change, plus whatever additional charges are made by the hotel, golf course, car hire company, or indeed any supplier, who is involved in your holiday arrangements. Any change made within 8 weeks (56 days) of departure, might have to be treated as a cancellation and therefore the charges laid out in our ‘Cancellations by You’ section shown below, would apply.

Flight Changes: In some cases changes to flight arrangements, including changes to passenger names will be deemed by the airline to be a full cancellation, with no monies refunded.

If you wish to cancel your holiday in full, or in part, you must confirm this to us, either by email to our email address, or in writing to our address Island Golf Holidays, 39 Patna Road, Kirkmichael, Near Maybole, South Ayrshire, KA19 7PJ.

The following cancellation charges will apply:
Period before departure             Cancellation charge as a percentage of
that the cancellation is                the holiday cost, excluding any amendment fees:
is received by us:

57 days or more                         Loss of deposit
56 – 29 days                                 50%
28 – 15 days                                 75%
14 – 0 days                                   100%

Group cancellation policy can be different to the above as the hotel’s and golf courses are stricter and unique, with their conditions.

This is especially prevalent in Turkey with groups of 8 or more, where the following terms apply:-

90 days or more                         Loss of deposit
89 – 60 days                                 75%
59 – 0 days                                   100%

Depending on the reason for the cancellation, you may be able to reclaim these charges, under the terms of your holiday insurance policy. Claims should be made directly to the insurance company concerned.

Flight Cancellations: Some air fares are booked on a non-refundable basis no matter when you cancel, therefore the cancellation charge will be 100%. When booking such an air fare we will be asking you for the full air fare at the time of booking. We only offer flights with our ATOL Travel Trust Association business partners. e.g. the ITC Travel Group, Carrier Travel and Emirates Holidays for long haul venues using scheduled airlines.

Golf Cancellations: Any pre-booked golf arrangements cancelled 90 days or less, prior to the day of play, will be charged at 100%.

Where a cancellation reduces the number of full paying party members below the number required for a free place or discounted price, the booking will re-invoiced to reflect the correct price for the new party size. Please note this could mean each party member having an increased price.

We plan the holidays we offer many months in advance and occasionally we have to make changes to and correct errors in details, both before and after bookings have been confirmed and very occasionally cancel confirmed bookings. Whilst we always endeavour to avoid changes and cancellations, we must reserve the right to do so. However, we promise we will never cancel your confirmed booking 8 weeks, or less before departure, unless you have failed to comply with any requirement of these booking conditions entitling us to cancel, such as paying on time, or where we are forced to do so because of “force majeure,” as defined in these booking conditions.

Most changes are minor, however, occasionally we may have to make a ‘major change’.

A major change will be a change made before departure such as; a change of accommodation to that of a lower official classification, or standard for the whole or a major part of the time you are away; a change of accommodation area for the whole, or a major part of the time you are away, a change of departure time, (only if we have booked and paid for your flights) of twelve or more hours, a change of UK departure airport (except between where the airline deems them to be within the same catchment area such as Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted and Luton or similar). Airlines reserve the right to cancel flights prior to them being ticketed without any explanation, this can be caused by operational changes, or consolidation of schedules, due to market conditions. If flights have not been paid for and ticketed when they are cancelled we as your tour operator will source an alternative option preferably from the same origin airport, but new prices will apply, we cannot commit to offering the same air fare as originally booked. If flights are paid and ticketed then the airline has to provide a reasonable alternative, but this can be a sore issue as often what they offer is not easily acceptable to what was originally booked, anyway. The advantage of not having paid and ticketed flights is we can source new options without any commitment financially to the original airline who cancelled the original flights booked. A change of airline is not considered a major change to the holiday package.

If we have to make a major change or cancel your holiday, we will inform you as soon as possible if there is time before your departure and you will have the choice of:-

1. Accepting the change of arrangements.
2. Accepting an offer of alternative travel arrangements from us, if available.
3. Cancelling your booked holidays and receiving a full refund of all monies paid.

If we have to make a major change or cancel your holiday, we will, as a minimum where compensation is due, pay you the compensation payments set out in the table below – depending on the circumstances and when the major change, or cancellation is notified to you, subject to the following exceptions.

Compensation will not be payable and no liability beyond offering the above mentioned choices can be accepted where we are forced to make a change, or cancel as a result of unusual and unforeseeable circumstances, beyond our control, the consequences of which we could not have avoided, even with all due care. No compensation will be payable and the above options will not be available if we cancel because of your failure to comply with any requirement of these booking conditions, entitling us to cancel (such as paying on time), or if the change made is a minor one. A minor change is any change which, taking account of the information you have given us at the time of booking or which we can reasonably be expected to know as a tour operator, we could not reasonably expect to have a significant effect on your confirmed holiday.

In the event of a major change, we will pay you compensation as outlined below, except in circumstances amounting to “force majeure” as defined below.

Period before departure
56 – 29 days  =  £20
28 – 15 days  =  £35
14 -0 days     =  £50

Except where otherwise expressly stated in these booking conditions, we cannot accept liability, or pay any compensation, where the performance or our obligations under our contract with you is prevented or affected by, or you otherwise suffer any damage or loss, because of “force majeure”. In these Booking Conditions, “force majeure” means any event which we or the supplier of the service(s) in question could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid. Such events may include war or threat of war, riot, civil strife, actual or threatened terrorist activity, industrial dispute, natural or nuclear disaster, adverse weather conditions, fire and all similar events outside our control.


Brexit Implications: please note that certain travel arrangements may be affected as a result of the United Kingdom’s decision to leave the European Union. This could include an unavailability of certain flight routes, access to certain ports and airports and changes to the visa requirements of British citizens travelling to, within or through the EU. Please rest assured that this is something we will continue to monitor and will advise our customers as soon as possible if we become aware of any confirmed bookings that will be affected. However, since this is something which is completely unprecedented and outside our control, we would treat any such changes as Force Majeure, and whilst we will endeavour to provide suitable alternative arrangements or refunds where possible, we will not be liable to pay you any compensation.

(a) We accept responsibility for the arrangements provided for in this contract and for those arrangements to reach a reasonable standard, regardless of whether the services are supplied by us, or by our agents, or suppliers. If any part of your holiday is not provided as advertised and or confirmed on your booking confirmation, then we will provide reasonable compensation, if this has affected the enjoyment of your holiday, up to a maximum of the holiday cost.
(b) We accept responsibility for the acts and or missions of our employees, agents and suppliers, except where they lead to death injury or illness. Our liability in all cases shall be limited to the cost of your travel arrangements, as booked with Island Golf Holidays.
(c) We also accept liability for death, bodily injury, or illness to you and/or other persons named on the booking due to the negligent acts or omissions of our employees, agents and suppliers, whilst acting within the scope of, or in the course of their employment on the provision of your travel arrangements. We will accordingly pay you as such damages might have been awarded, in such circumstances under English law. We shall however not be liable for loss or damage caused for any reason other than our own negligence, or the negligence of our agents, or suppliers. In such cases however, we will where possible offer you prompt and reasonable assistance.
(d) In respect of air travel, liability is limited to that provided for by the appropriate international conventions.

If you, or any member of your party, suffer death, illness or injury whilst overseas arising out of an activity which does not form part of your travel arrangements, or an excursion arranged through us, we shall at our discretion offer advice, guidance and assistance.  Where legal action is contemplated and you want our assistance, you must obtain our written consent prior to commencement of proceedings. Our consent will be given subject to you undertaking to assign any costs, benefits received under any relevant insurance policy to ourselves. We limit the cost of our assistance to you or any member of your party to £5,000 per booking.

If you book and pay Island Golf Holidays for a flight, the airlines conditions of carriage will apply to this contract, which may limit the airlines responsibility to you. Copies of the airlines conditions are available on request.

The information and prices shown in our website and any brochures, or promotional material we publish may have changed at the time when you book. Whilst every effort has been made on our part to ensure accuracy of prices, regrettably errors do occur. You must therefore check that all the details of your booking, including the price, with us at the time of making your booking.

The prices quoted to you and shown on your Confirmation Invoice will reflect the prevailing exchange rate at the time of booking. Should there be any increase in the cost to us, caused by currency exchange rate fluctuations, Government action, or changes in air fare or suppliers taxes, we will absorb up to 5% of the change. You will be required to meet any increase between 5% and 10%. If we have to increase the price of your holiday by more than 10%, you will have the option of continuing with the holiday arrangements and meeting the extra costs (above 5%), or of cancelling with a refund of any money you have paid to us, except any charges you have incurred for amendments. If you decide to cancel the holiday, you must do so within seven working days of the issue of the revised Confirmation of Booking Invoice.

If you have a problem or complaint whilst you are on holiday, please make our local representative, or the hotel guest relations team aware immediately, so that we can endeavour to assist you and resolve the problem. Where we are not providing a local representative service, then please email David Sledmere at david@islandgolfholidays.com

If you have a complaint that you would like to bring to our attention on your return, then please write to us by recorded post at Island Golf Holidays, 39 Patna Road, Kirkmichael, KA19 7PJ, or email us at sales@islandgolfholidays.com We will not accept liability in respect to complaints that are not received within 30 days of your return date.

We reserve the right to decline to accept, or retain any person as a client if their conduct is disruptive and affecting the enjoyment of other holidaymakers. We shall be under no liability for any extra costs incurred by such a person, because of doing so.

Any person who is denied boarding on the travel sector shall be deemed to have given notice of cancellation of their booking and at that moment and cancellation charges will apply.

All monies paid to Island Golf Holidays are fully protected in compliance with The Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992. Island Golf Holidays is a member of the Travel Trust Association (TTA) number Q549X. Every Travel Trust Association member deposits your money into a Trust Account. A Trust Account is a bank account designated to hold the customer’s’ money. Your money remains in the Trust Account and is supervised by an appointed Trustee who is either a banker, chartered or certified accountant, or a solicitor. Both the Travel Trust Association members and the Trustee are required to authorise payments from the Trust Account. In addition to being held in trust, you also have a financial guarantee from the Travel Trust Association.

To learn more about the Travel Trust Association please visit the following website: www.traveltrust.co.uk/Default.aspx?tabid=148

ATOL ProtectedATOL PROTECTION Under Number: T7642

Sledmere Travel Services Ltd on the CAA website
Your Financial Protection:
When you buy an ATOL protected flight inclusive holiday from us, you will receive an ATOL Certificate. This lists what is financially protected, where you can get information on what this means for you and who to contact if things go wrong.
All of the flight-inclusive holidays on this website will be financially protected by the ATOL scheme. But ATOL protection does not apply to all holiday and travel services listed on this website. Please ask us to confirm what protection may apply to your booking.
If you do not receive an ATOL Certificate (ground only) – then the booking will not be ATOL protected. If you do receive an ATOL Certificate, but all the parts of your trip are not listed on it, those parts will not be ATOL protected.

Please see our booking conditions for information or for more information about financial protection and the ATOL Certificate go to www.atol.org.uk/ATOLcertificate/


ATOL and Travel Trust Association
travel trust association



 by Steve on Island Golf Holidays

We have just returned from our luxury golf vacation to Dubai and Mauritius with Island Golf Holidays. This is the third ‘ big trip’ that...

 by Steve on Island Golf Holidays

We have just returned from our luxury golf vacation to Dubai and Mauritius with Island Golf Holidays. This is the third ‘ big trip’ that...

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